Friday 28 October 2022

Everyone in the quantum house:

 space (original):

Like most stuff in those old years, this was started on classic guitar. Made this around 2008. It's the same style I was having back then like other recently uploaded stuff.

Sunday 23 October 2022

High mobility:

 sky platform arena (original):

Originally made this around 2007. It was two versions but I mixed them soon after and made one track with contrasting tempos and electronic-orchestral styles. I got an idea about a sort of either anime or bird's view boss fight for it and maybe it might end up in some Warcraft III related material/map set in a custom made universe or something, inspired by Tomb Raider.

Friday 21 October 2022


 samurai ballet (original):

Can't really remember when I made this one, possibly between or around 2010-2011. I didn't practically intend it to be soundtrack for something even though it sounds like it and/or is inspired by such type of music but it later gave me an idea that it might be useful in one my Warcraft III campaign ideas.

Friday 14 October 2022

Mechanical insanity:

 pressure machine (original):

Made this one around 2007. It's one of the weird bunch. Years later, after I worked on while listening to it, I got an idea of a chapter for the continuation of the campaign inspired by Abe's Oddysee. Still theory, though.

Sunday 9 October 2022

Stare too long and burn:

 photon demons (original):

Created this one around 2008. Pretty crazy stuff that I could up with than my usual nutty works. It soon gave me an idea to write a story in an alternate history setting where the Italian mafia and the Vatican gained much control over the world post World War I-II. It was supposed to be about conspiracy theories and the strife of mankind against the hourglass that is the sun. Of course, it never got past some ideas, like most my things.

Saturday 1 October 2022

Death outside the comfort zone:

 nomadic cult (original):

Made this one in 2010 for a Hiveworkshop music contest. Back then composers also had to submit their entries along with a sort of description or little story about the theme of the composition. So, mine was about that what the track is named like but in fantasy terms. I then got an idea for a Heroes of Might & Magic III campaign but the editor was really limited in what it could do and the 4th game was not really that different in that regard and the 5th's editor was too complicated. Thus, I thought I'd do a real time kind of a campaign for Warcraft III in the universe of Heroes of Might & Magic (Erathia and beyond) but to this day it has remained only in planning.