Tuesday 21 November 2023

Currently deceased concept:

 on the ocean tide (semi-original): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QxNRFdkp2hU

Finished this one recently (started in January 2023) for Shea Easterbrook's Warcraft III map Daemonic Sword (https://www.hiveworkshop.com/threads/daemonic-sword-orpg.210092/). The author, however, has decided to end the collaboration for personal reasons. I'm pretty satisfied with the overall thing although the second part could have sounded better. The battle part (second half) took a lot of time to flesh out due to lack of inspiration.

By semi-original I mean that I used a few notes that Mr. Easterbrook used for his keyboard guitar based incantations and turned that into a whole composition.